Strong, relevant images can greatly enhance your ACS communications. Finding the best photography available is the key, whether they’re existing shots, newly commissioned work, or photos from a deal worked out with an image library.

Portrait Guidelines

Portraits photos should be: 

  • Minimum photo dimension 1000px or more (both height and width)
  • High-resolution photo (72 dpi minimum)
  • Photo file size should not be less than 200kb
  • Uncropped photo
  • High-quality photo (not blurred, pixelated, or skewed)
  • Headshot photo must be in the middle 
  • Make sure the person is well lit
  • Picture of the person should be shown alone and not in a group
  • File format: Acceptable: Jpeg, Png. Not Acceptable: bitmap, tiff

Notes: WSO Design Team will resize the photos once collected, please allow enough white space for us to crop .  


Professional attire, both shoulders are shown and not cut off.


Professional attire, both shoulders are shown and not cut off.

Not Acceptable:

The image is blurry, grainy, pixelated, and skewed

Not Acceptable:

The image is not in the middle; the shoulders should not be cut off

Not Acceptable:

The image is stretched, hair and shoulder should not be cut off

Scientific Imagery
